About Program

The Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture is one of the premier regional agricultural Cornell Cooperative Extension programs in New York, serving a large multi-county area in the Champlain Valley, Capital Region and Hudson Valley of the state. The team's Specialists work together with Cornell faculty and extension educators statewide to address the issues that impact the vegetable, tree fruit, small fruit and grape industries. The Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program provides educational programs and information to growers and agri-business professionals, arming them with the knowledge to profitably produce and market safe and healthful horticultural crops, contributing to the viability of farms and the economic wellbeing of New York State. Specifically, our program focuses on food safety, variety evaluation, market development, pest management, and cultural practices.
Growers and agri-business professionals must enroll in our program to benefit from many of our educational offerings including our newsletter, direct mailings, and pest alerts.
The Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program is supported, in part, by
17 county Cornell Cooperative Extensions in the Capital Region of New York:
Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Dutchess, Essex, Fulton, Greene, Orange,
Montgomery, Putnam, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie,
Ulster, Warren and Washington Counties.
To visit one of these Cornell Cooperative Extension's web sites,
simply click on a county within the map.

Upcoming Events
Blueberry Pruning Workshop

March 26, 2025
Altona, NY
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
10 am - noon
Irona Berry Haven
1897 Alder Bend Rd, Altona, NY 12910
$10 per farm
1 DEC credit requested in categories 1A, 10, and 22
Join us at Jeffrey Guerin's berry farm for a morning of pruning demonstrations, pest and disease identification, and more. Bring your own pruners so that you can learn by doing! Dress warmly for our workshop, which will be held outdoors. In the case of severe weather on the 26th, the workshop will be held at the same time on the 27th. Light refreshments will be provided.
Champlain Valley Apple Pest Management Refresher

March 27, 2025
Chazy, NY
Join us in Chazy on March 27th for some pest management updates, and to receive some additional pesticide recertification credits for your farm's certified applicators! We will be offering 2.25 DEC recertification credits in categories 22, 10, and 1A. Light refreshments will be provided, and lunch following the meeting (sponsored by Valent) is optional.
$5 per employee
Blind Industry White Wine Tasting Workshop
April 1, 2025 : Blind Industry White Wine Tasting Workshop
Germantown, NY
This event is a blind wine tasting for ENY grape industry members to get feedback from fellow growers and Cornell Enologists on unfinished white wines (hybrid, vinifera, etc.)
We respectfully request that only professional winemakers or commercial vineyard owners attend, as space is limited. Limit two wines per winery/vineyard.
Pre-registration is required. For questions, please contact Jeremy Schuster at jds544@cornell.edu