Event Details
August 10, 2012
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Lilyea Farm
1320 Pre-Emption Road
Penn Yan, NY 14527
CVP, NWNY Team, Finger Lakes Grape TeamCCE Yates County
email CCE Yates County
Tile Drainage Field Day
August 10, 2012
The morning portion of the field day will cover benefits of tile drainage, economics and the how-to's. The afternoon portion will be equipment demonstrations, both traditional and tile plow. Lunch provided (but must pre-register).
Please pre-register for lunch by calling the CCE Yates County office at 315-536-5123 by August 6.
Please bring your own chairs.
Brought to you by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Ag Teams (Cornell Vegetable Program, the NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crop Team, and the Finger Lakes Grape Program) and Yates County Soil & Water Conservation District. Sponsored by Hudson Pipes & Pumps and Himrod Farm Supply.
Tile Drainage Field Day Poster (PDF; 770KB)