Event Details
August 2, 2012
5:30 pm registration & dinner; 6:00 - 8:00 pm program
Mortellaro's Red Shop
South of Spoilbank on the east side of Transit
Elba, NY
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureChristy Hoepting
email Christy Hoepting
Annual Elba Muck Onion Twilight Meeting
August 2, 2012
Featuring field demonstration of managing onion thrips, and progress towards managing bacterial diseases of onion. Growers will also hear updates on new onion maggot and onion smut seed treatments, project highlights (Chateau, new onion fungicides, and growing onions on high pH muck) and an optional nitrogen rate crop walk.
At least 1.5 DEC recertification credits (1a, 4, 10, 23) will be available, plus CCA credits.
2012 Meeting Announcement (PDF; 369KB)