Event Details
September 18, 2012
5:00 - 8:15 pm
Bob and Dan Duyssen Farm
6620 Westacott Rd
Stafford, NY 14143
At the Door
$5.00 current CVP enrollees
$10.00 for all others
Registration includes a light supper
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureCarol MacNeil
email Carol MacNeil
2012 NYS Dry Bean Field Meeting
September 18, 2012
Start at the Cornell dry bean variety trial at Duyssen's. Eric Sandsted and Don Halseth will describe the black, and light and dark red kidney, varieties and lines in the trial and you'll have a chance for a first-hand look. Duyssen's strip trials of promising black and light red kidney lines are also nearby. Eight WNY growers have the lines and there will be time to discuss how they look. Phil Griffiths, bean breeder, will discuss and show his white mold resistant red kidneys. Leafhoppers were terrible this year and Brian Nault, Cornell, will explain why and how to decide whether to spray. Keith Waldron, NYS IPM Program, and Carol MacNeil, Cornell Vegetable Program, will report on the spotty, high Western bean cutworm populations, including in Attica in WNY, and how to recognize their damage. There will be a brief update on food safety as it relates to dry beans, and the Good Ag Practices (GAPs) program. Pre-register for supper by September 12 at 585-313-8796.
1.0 DEC and CCA credits will be available.
In case of bad weather and possibility of cancellation, call 585-394-3977 x406 for a recorded message.
Thanks to Carolina Eastern - Crocker LLC, King Cole Bean and New York Bean LLC for sponsoring!
If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring this meeting, click here.
NYS Dry Bean Field Mtg Agenda (PDF; 412KB)