Event Details
Dec 5 - Dec 6, 2012
Kenneth Post Laboratory Greenhouse, Cornell
Post Circle (Judd Falls and Tower Rds)
Ithaca, NY 14853
CCE Orange CountyCall Cathy to register
Greenhouse Vegetable Shortcourse, and Tour of Finger Lakes Fresh Lettuce
December 5 - December 6, 2012
This two-day event will be packed with education on greenhouse vegetable production and growing hydroponic vegetables. The Cornell Vegetable Program's Judson Reid will be providing case studies on implementing biocontrol programs in low temperature settings. A tour of Finger Lakes Fresh (lettuce facility) will occur at the end of the second day.
$100 per person if registered and paid by November 16th; $130 after. Space is limited. Print and complete the form below or call Cathy at 845-344-1234.
Shortcourse Agenda & Form (PDF; 170KB)