Event Details
Aug 8 - Jun 10, 2017
Champlain Region NY & VT
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureMatt Wells
email Matt Wells
Calling all Next Generation and New Fruit Growers!
August 8 - June 10, 2017
Champlain Tree Fruit Study Tour
Join us for the second annual Next Generation study tour. This year we will be travelling to the beautiful Champlain region of New York State and Vermont where McIntosh was King. Like many tree fruit regions of the country there has been tremendous change and the Champlain region is no exception. The Champlain has adapted to the changes in the market place and are now very successful at growing more popular varieties like Honeycrisp, Minnieska, NY1 and NY2. The growing region is also diverse with many retail operations and hard cideries that focus on the tourist trade.
The purpose of the tour is for the “next generation” to learn from other successful businesses and return home with ideas and excitement for their organization. The tour is also a great opportunity to network with other young farmers from across the state. (Note: This year’s tour will also be promoted to new and young growers in the Champlain and Hudson regions)
Matt Wells of New York Apple Sales (formerly of the Lake Ontario Fruit Team) will be coordinating the tour in conjunction with area fruit team extension educators.
Tour Dates and Agenda:
Tuesday August 8
AM: Depart central location in Wayne County
PM: Two farm stops in the southern Champlain region and a tour of Citizen Cider in Burlington Vermont. Group dinner in Burlington.
Overnight in Burlington
Wednesday August 9
AM " PM: Five stops in the prime fruit region of the Champlain (Peru to Chazy New York).
Overnight location to be determined
Thursday August 10
AM: Return to Wayne County
Costs Estimates:
We expect that sponsorship money will cover travel (bus or rental cars) and meals. Participants will need to cover all or a portion of the hotel costs. Conservatively $300 for two nights but could be less depending on sponsor donations. This will be a relatively low cost trip for attendees.
Signup Deadline: Friday July 14