Event Details
November 28, 2017
8:30am- 10:00am
Hudson Valley Research Lab
3357 US Highway 9W
Highland, NY 12528
This event is free.
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureApple Tree Insurance Producer Listening Session
November 28, 2017
AgriLogic Consulting, LLC, upon request, is developing an Apple Tree Insurance Program for apple producers in conjunction with the U.S. Apple Association and other industry groups. Once approved, the program will be available to apple growers in New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, North Carolina and Virginia, as a risk management tool to aid in protecting growers against the loss of trees due to wind, hail, freeze, winter injury, and fire blight.
The purpose of this listening session is to gather information regarding the specific needs and desires of growers in order to assist us in developing a program that will best benefit the apple industry. A light breakfast is included.
Please contact Ray @ 956-458-1616 or rprewett@agrilogic.com for more information and to RSVP by November 22nd.
We will also be offering an opportunity for those who cannot attend in person to listen in and provide their input via an online Zoom meeting. If you would like to participate in this way, please contact Sarah Elone at ser37@cornell.edu for more information.
NY Listening Session (PDF; 356KB)