Event Details
July 11, 2013
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Roger and Scott Arliss' Pit Farms
895 Lockpit Road
Clyde, NY 14433
At the Door
$5.00 includes a picnic lunch
CCE, Wayne County Farm Bureau, Wayne County SWCD, and USDA NRCS
Ron Thorn
email Ron Thorn
Soil Health Field Day
July 11, 2013
Soil health is never more important, nor more obvious, than in a very wet year. At this field day, learn about options for improving crop and soil performance through rainfall extremes. In fields with well-working tile, cleared outlets, minimal compaction, some surface residues, and water-stable soil aggregates, water percolates through the soil with little ponding or run-off and crops suffer much less damage. The deeper rooting of crops in healthy soils also sustains them longer through dry periods. More and more farmers in New York State are taking a second look at their crop rotations, cover crops and reduced tillage, in an effort to improve the health of their soil.
Observe the dramatically different effect of simulated rainfall on a soil with good health vs one that's been overworked. See soil layers, compaction and crop root growth in a soil pit. On-farm trial results with a wide range of grass, legume and crucifer cover crops will be presented, including information on winter triticale and winter malting barley. Reduced tillage equipment, including planters, will be demonstrated. There will time for you to discuss your experiences with other growers, as well as to ask questions of Roger and Scott Arliss, and the speakers.
Registration for the field day is at 9:30 am and costs $5. A picnic lunch with hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. For more information on the Soil Health Field Day contact Ron Thorn at 315-946-9912 or email him.
Sponsored by Wayne County Farm Bureau, USDA NRCS, Wayne County SWCD, Cornell University Cooperative Extension.