Control of Colorado Potato Beetle & Insecticide Resistance Management
Carol MacNeil, Extension Vegetable Specialist
Cornell Vegetable Program
June 9, 2014

In addition, rotating potato fields at least a quarter mile away from fields planted previously to potato (tomatoes or eggplant) is very effective. Cultural and chemical approaches for CPB management are described in the Cornell Guidelines for Commercial Vegetable Production (available for purchase from The Cornell Store), and in the Organic Potato Production Guide.
Control of Colorado Potato Beetle & Insecticide Resistance Management (pdf; 648KB)

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Blind Industry White Wine Tasting Workshop
April 1, 2025 : Blind Industry White Wine Tasting Workshop
Germantown, NY
This event is a blind wine tasting for ENY grape industry members to get feedback from fellow growers and Cornell Enologists on unfinished white wines (hybrid, vinifera, etc.)
We respectfully request that only professional winemakers or commercial vineyard owners attend, as space is limited. Limit two wines per winery/vineyard.
Pre-registration is required. For questions, please contact Jeremy Schuster at