Event Details
September 25, 2013
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Joe Brightly Farm
Hamlin, NY
This event is free.
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureCarol MacNeil
email Carol MacNeil
Reduced Till Vegetable & Cover Crop Meeting
September 25, 2013
Join us at Joe Brightly's Farm* in Hamlin to view: a field scale zone till vs conventionally tilled cabbage trial; a zone tilled winter squash field; an early planted radish and wheat cover crop; and, the zone till equipment that was used. Brightly's adopted zone tillage several years ago for field crops, snap beans and winter squash. A few years ago they began experimenting with zone tilled cabbage and have been pleased with the results. They also began increasing their use of cover crops and experimenting with different cover crops, such as tillage radishes and cover crop combinations. Small plots of the cabbage and squash will be harvested before the meeting so preliminary estimates of yield will be available. A strip of the cover crop will be mowed for better viewing of the radish and wheat growth.
There is no charge to attend this meeting. Coffee and donuts will be available.
Questions? Contact Carol MacNeil.
Sponsored in part by the NY Farm Viability Institute and SARE-NE.
* Directions: From Rt. 19 at the north edge of Brockport, turn left onto West Ave. Continue ~1.6 mi. and turn right onto Redman Rd. Drive 7.0 mi. north on Redman Rd., passing Rt. 104/W. Ridge Rd. and Rt. 18/Roosevelt Hwy. Immediately after passing Church Rd. on the right, turn right into the farm yard north of the cabbage field. Drive back and park near the cabbage field, where the meeting will begin. (The winter squash field and radish/wheat cover crop are a mile further north on Redman Rd.)
Click here to map this location.