Pesticide Exam Certification Summer Trainings
July 2 - July 23, 2019
Day 1: July 2, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Topics: Regulations, Pests and IPM, Pesticide Labels and Formulations
Day 2: July 9, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Topics: Pesticide Exposure and Risks, First Aid, Equipment and Calibration, Mixing and Loading
Day 3: July 16, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Topics: Environmental Concerns, Pesticide Storage and Security, Pesticide Waste Managements, Conduct and Liability
Day 4: July 23, 1:30pm-4:30pm
Topics: Preparing for the category exam, general exam final tips, and review questions
The pesticide exam will be offered by a DEC representative in Plattsburgh on July 30th at the MHAB conference space, located at 14 Dormitory Drive in Plattsburgh, NY. Attendees wishing to sit for the exam will need to enroll for the exam separately.
This CCE training is not a substitute for the required 30-hour training class. CCE supplemental training is available only to those who already meet the education and/or experience requirements and are therefore qualified to sit for the Private Applicators Certification Exam. All participants must have experience working on their own farm, or through employment on another farm. Any questions on exam eligibility will be answered by your regional DEC representatives.
Pesticide Certification Summer Trainings Flyer (PDF; 6300KB)