Wayne County - DEC Certified Pesticide Applicator License Pre-Exam Training via Zoom
Agriculture Specialists Mike Stanyard and Janet van Zoeren will offer "Pre-Exam Coaching" in March to help sprayer operators prepare for the exam in Wayne County on April 1st.
This training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
All participants will need to have the most recent Core Manual (3rd Edition) and Category Manuals. Register by February 26 to ensure manuals are available for the training.
Cost of 4 day workshop: $35, additional costs
To reserve a spot for the workshop contact Margaret Boone at 315-331-8415 ext.101 or email at: mab567@cornell.edu
Exam to be held on April 1st at 12pm till 4:30pm at Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County, $100 check payable to NYDEC to Exam, and you must register with DEC for the exam.
To register for this class complete the pdf registration form below and complete payment and return instructions on form.
Additional details about the exam https://lof.cce.cornell.edu/ev...
Registration Form (PDF; 888KB)
Event Details
March 22, 2021
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
4 day training : $35.00
(addl attendee $35.00 ea.)
At The Door Price
DEC Certified Applicator EXAM - bring check made out to DEC day of exam : $100.00
You MUST REGISTER with DEC to take exam.
CCE Wayne CountyMargaret Boone
315-331-8415 ext.101
email Margaret Boone
DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 1
Join agriculture specialist Mike Stanyard from the NWNY Team and Janet van Zoeren of the LOF Program as they review core concepts and commodity specific items in preparation for the Pesticide Applicator exam. This pre-exam training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Event Details
March 24, 2021
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
if manuals are needed register by Feb 26
Workshop without manuals can register by Mar 5,
CCE Wayne CountyMargaret Boone
315-331-8415 ext.101
email Margaret Boone
DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 2
Join agriculture specialist Mike Stanyard from the NWNY Team and Janet van Zoeren of the LOF Program as they review core concepts and commodity specific items in preparation for the Pesticide Applicator exam. This pre-exam training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Event Details
March 29, 2021
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
CCE Wayne CountyMargaret Boone
315-331-8415 ext.101
email Margaret Boone
DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 3
Join agriculture specialist Mike Stanyard from the NWNY Team and Janet van Zoeren of the LOF Program as they review core concepts and commodity specific items in preparation for the Pesticide Applicator exam. This pre-exam training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Event Details
March 31, 2021
1pm - 3pm
Online via Zoom
CCE Wayne CountyMargaret Boone
315-331-8415 ext.101
email Margaret Boone
DEC Certified Applicator Pre-Exam Training Day 4
Join agriculture specialist Mike Stanyard from the NWNY Team and Janet van Zoeren of the LOF Program as they review core concepts and commodity specific items in preparation for the Pesticide Applicator exam. This pre-exam training is only for those with experience and does not qualify for the 30-hour official DEC training - you are exempt from the 30 hour training (and eligible for this coaching session) if you have pesticide application experience, either through working on your own farm or through employment on another farm.
Upcoming Events
Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
September 16, 2024 : Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
Ticonderoga, NY
Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
Monday, September 16th 4-6 pm (rain or shine)
1512 Street Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883
Join us for discussions on high tunnel tomato production and sweet corn and pumpkin IPM at Drinkwine Produce in Ticonderoga. Henry Drinkwine will provide an overview of his practices for maintaining high yields of tomatoes, including pollination and soil fertility management. In the second half of the meeting, CCE specialist Chuck Bornt will review integrated pest management for sweet corn and pumpkins, with hands-on scouting and identification of key pests and diseases.
DEC Credits: 1.5 credits in categories 1A, 10, 23
Korona Produce Field Meeting
September 24, 2024 : Korona Produce Field Meeting
Amsterdam, NY
Korona Produce Field Meeting
September 24, 2024, 4-6pm
Korona Farm and Produce
1953 Co Rd 107, Amsterdam, NY 12010
(pull in by the cow pasture)
Join CCE Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Vegetable Specialists Crystal Stewart-Courtens and Chuck Bornt for a field meeting to look at tarping for weed and pest control and cover crop termination in vegetable rotations, a pumpkin variety trial walk looking at new varieties, and cucurbit IPM practices.
This meeting is free and open to the public.
2 DEC credits available in categories 1A and 23
Questions? Reach out to Crystal Stewart-Courtens at cls263@cornell.edu or 518-775-0018