2022 Eastern NY Fruit & Vegetable Conference
Event Details
February 15 - February 17, 2022
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureConference Agenda
- Feb 15, 8:15am - 10:00am: Strawberry Soil Health
Focusing on soil health and good soil management and the impacts soil has on plant health. Strategies to decrease tillage and incorporate cover crops and rotations will be discussed. Dr. Kerik Cox of Cornell will talk share tips to identify and manage soil borne disease, and ongoing work using anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) will be explained.
- Feb 15, 10:15am - 12:00pm: Strawberry Production Systems
Dr. Marvin Pritts (Cornell), Dr. Becky Sideman from the University of NH and Dr. Elisabeth Hodgdon (CCE ENYCHP) will help clarify the nuances of the strawberry plant and the different options growers have with planting, cropping and wintering these unusual plants.
- Feb 15, 12:45pm - 2:30pm: Raspberry & Blackberry Production
Dr. Courtney Weber (Cornell) will discuss progress in breeding plants with improved flavor and better tolerance of root diseases and even SWD. Dr. Greg Loeb (Cornell) will share results form ongoing work into SWD chemical ecology and behavior as the basis for management and Dr. Juliet Carroll (Cornell) will discuss efforts to simplify SWD monitoring and what that could mean for growers. Bramble farmers will share successful strategies for cane berry production.
- Feb 15, 2:45pm - 4:30pm: Blueberries
This session will feature a deeper dive into virus identification and management by Dr. Timothy Miles of Michigan State University. Organic blueberry management from the farmers point of view will be covered and Dr. David Handley of the University of Maine will close the program with valuable information about the impact of pruning on blueberry production.
- Feb 16, 9:00am - 11:45am: Vine Crops
In this year's vine crop session learn from Cornell University's Dr. Meg McGrath first-hand what fungicides are and aren't working for Cucurbit Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew. She will share her results from samples taken right here in the Capital District. Sandy Menasha from CCE Suffolk County will share variety updates and Natasha Field from CCE ENYCHP will also share interesting facts on hull-less seeded pumpkins. We will also hear the latest results with using ultra violet lighting to control powdery mildew from Nick Skinner from Mount Sinai, Icahn School of Medicine. The session will wrap up with Chuck Bornt reviewing herbicides options and best use practices for 2022. DEC recertification credits have been requested for this session.
- Feb 16, 1:00pm - 3:30pm: Sweetcorn
The sweet corn session features several out of state speakers including Dr. Mark VanGessel from the University of Delaware to discuss herbicide management practices in Delaware and Kris Holmstrom, Rutgers University Pes Management Specialist who will discuss worm management with Bt varieties and insecticides. The afternoon will wrap up with variety updates from various seed companies. We have received 1.25 NYS DEC pesticide recertification credits for this session.
- Feb 17, 9:00am - 11:00am: Climate Change
Presentations from farmers and scientists followed by small group opportunities, will help this session to support resilience and strategy over fear and confusion. There will be some pre-session work that will be recommended, but all are welcome to join this participatory virtual workshop.
- Feb 17, 1:30pm - 4:00pm: Brassica Crops
Our conference concludes with a mighty brassica session with experts Elisabeth Hodgdon and Christy Hoepting from Cornell and Gordon Johnson from the University of Delaware focusing on a variety of disease, heat stress and varietal topics for broccoli, cauliflower and cabbages - all pertinent to the retail market grower. Brussels sprout production will be covered by Jan van der Heide of Bejo seeds and grower input will also be included. If you grow brassica crops - don't miss this!
Conference Pricing:
$40 for 2022 ENYCHP-enrollees
$60 for non-enrollees
All conference sessions are included!
Many sessions will have DEC pesticide recertification credits available. You will be directed to a google form after you register to provide your information and choose the courses you would like to receive credits for. You will also need to email a copy of your pesticide license to enychp@cornell.edu.
Click here to register: https://cce-enychp.teachable.c...

Upcoming Events
Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025

January 17, 2025
January 31, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 14, 2025
: Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025
Week 1: Digging Into Pruning and Soil Health
Week 2: Cider Apples - Mechanized Harvesting and Patulin Food Safety
Week 3: The Value of "Eco-Friendly" Marketing - OMRI, Red Tomato, EcoApple, NYS Grown and Certified
Week 4: Biopesticides and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for Berries
Week 5: St. Peachtrick's Day - Stone Fruit Insect and Disease Management
Remote Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course
February 17 - February 18, 2025
REMOTE Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course
Monday, Feb. 17 and Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025
8 am - 12:30 PM
Held remotely via Zoom (online)
Registration: $10 per person, open to NY state participants only
Includes printed course manual ($60 value), certificate of course completion ($35 value) and online food safety resources.
All produce growers are encouraged to attend this course to learn more about food safety practices recommended for all farms. This course contains NEW information contained in the finalized Subpart E rule on agricultural water. The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement outlined in § 112.22(c) that requires 'At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration.' If you've already earned your PSA certificate, retaking this course is a great way to refresh your memory and learn about the new water requirements!
After attending the entire course, participants will be eligible to receive a certificate from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) that verifies they have completed the training course.
From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan
January 7, 2025
January 14, 2025
January 21, 2025
January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 4, 2025
: From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan
Do you need a business plan for your farm? Do you have an idea for a new venture, but aren't sure if it will work? This program is for you!
This course is designed for existing farm businesses or those planning to undertake a new farm business venture. Students will work with their farm's data, and the goal of the class is for participants to have a draft of a written business plan for a specific business venture.
During the course, you will learn to:
- Assess whether or not a business idea is a good fit for you.
- Develop a marketing strategy to make a profit
- Use financial tools to evaluate if your business has the potential to be profitable
This online course meets from January 7-March 4, 2025. All course content is available online so you can work on it at your own pace. There will be weekly webinars where you can meet other students and interact directly with the instructor on the content. These webinars will be recorded.