Event Details
August 23, 2012
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
John Williams' Farm
5077 Russell Rd
Marion, NY 14505
Pre-register for dinner. Call 585-313-8796.
At the Door
$5.00 current CVP enrollees (1/enrollment)
$10.00 non-CVP enrollees
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureCarol MacNeil
585-394-3977 x406
email Carol MacNeil
Fresh Market Potato Varieties, and Insect and Disease Management
August 23, 2012
John Williams' Farm in Marion is a showplace for innovation and best management. This annual grower meeting will focus on potato varieties and their susceptibility to scab, pink rot, Pythium leak and bacterial soft rot. A presentation will be made and questions and answers time will be available on 2012 insect control challenges and management. Cornell Vegetable Program Specialist Carol MacNeil will provide information on the 2012 late blight management and on the updated online Decision Support System (DSS).
Tom Zitter, Cornell, has been added to the agenda!
1.0 DEC pesticide recertification credit will be available.
We are pleased to have the support of these sponsors: Bayer CropScience, Crop Production Services, DuPont, Stanton Ag Services, and Syngenta.
8-23-12 Potato Mtg Agenda (PDF; 369KB)