Event Details
August 3, 2012
6:00 pm
Ivan Martin Farm
391 Pre-Emption Rd
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureJudson Reid
email Judson Reid
Pest Management in Fresh Market Vegetables (Yates Co)
August 3, 2012
This course will demonstrate pest management in fresh market vegetables in both field and greenhouse (high tunnel) vegetables. A hands-on demonstration of weed, insect and disease identification in vegetables including management options such as inter-row cover crops, grafting and where appropriate, spray options will be used to educate growers. See first hand efforts to control weeds with rye. Observe treatment differences in onions, and learn about effects on tomato growth. Judson Reid, Senior Extension Associate with the Cornell Vegetable Program will instruct participants and facilitate peer-based learning.
2.0 pesticide recertification credits available.
Topics include:
Weed control in row crop vegetables: Cultivation; herbicides; inter-row cover crops: spring seeding of winter rye - pros and cons
Tomato and potato disease updates: Late blight and early blight updates; grafting for improved root-zone disease resistance in greenhouse and high tunnels
Cucurbits: Greenhouse cucumber grafting for vigor and yield; downy mildew management: cucumbers, cantaloupes and watermelon; cucumber beetle, squash bug, stink bug; powdery mildew
This is your chance to meet with other produce growers and increase your knowledge base!