Event Details
February 18, 2013
9:00 am - Noon
Cibi deliziosi
3894 Rush Mendon Road
Mendon, NY 14506
$10.00 per person, includes handouts and networking
(additional attendee $10.00 ea.)
(additional attendee $10.00 ea.)
At the Door
$10.00 per person
CVP, CCE and Finger Lakes Culinary BountyAngela Parr
585-394-3977 x426
email Angela Parr
Culinary Connections: Farm to Restaurant Workshop and Networking Opportunity
February 18, 2013
Local food sourcing, freshness, and seasonal eating continue to be driving trends among restaurant and dining entities in the region. Farms in the Finger Lakes are better positioned to serve restaurant accounts with local vegetables, fruits, and specialty foods. Chefs have the opportunity to work with farmers to coordinate volumes, products, quality expectations and consistency. Farmers are still striving to connect with local chefs and help create high-quality working relationships.
This workshop and networking session is a chance for culinary professionals to connect with some of our regional farmers to get fresh, local grown produce on their menus. Panels of farmers and chefs will explain how they are making beneficial culinary connections through communication and insights.
Workshop fee: $10.00 per person, includes handouts, networking and refreshments.
Hosted by the Cornell Vegetable Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension, in cooperation with Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty.
Register for the event now online or, for more information or to register contact Angela Parr.
Mapquest the location of this workshop for me.
Promo Flyer (PDF; 445KB)