Event Details
February 25, 2013
1:00 - 4:00 pm
CCE Genesee County
420 East Main Street
Batavia, NY 14020
This event is free.
Pre-register by February 22.
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureCarol MacNeil
email Carol MacNeil
Reduced Till Grower Discussion Group
February 25, 2013
A grower-led Reduced Tillage Grower Discussion Group is forming in Western New York. All vegetable and field crop growers interested in reduced tillage (zone, strip and no till) are invited. Bring your experience and/or your questions!
Reduced tillage really took off among corn and soybean growers in Western NY several years ago when the fuel price spiked. Vegetable growers soon followed. In the past several years Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Vegetable Program (CVP) staff have worked with over a dozen vegetable growers comparing side-by-side plantings of conventional tillage vs. reduced tillage for fresh and processing sweet corn, dry and snap beans, winter and summer squash, pumpkins, cabbage, carrots and tomatoes. Anu Rangarajan, Cornell, and other Extension Specialists, have also been working with growers to refine equipment and practices to ensure success. Attention to detail and learning from experienced reduced till growers are essential for success.
Reduced tillage was successful with vegetable crops in the CVP region, with yields the same as conventional, except for small seeded crops like carrots. Anu Rangarajan is continuing to research reduced till techniques for small seeded crops, at the Cornell Freeville Research Farm. She is also researching reduced tillage for organic growers, which involves cultural practices to kill cover crops.
The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25. Other meetings dates are yet to be determined. Pre-registration is requested by February 22 to Carol MacNeil. Questions regarding the discussion group, contact Donn Branton or 585-739-9463.