Event Details
March 14, 2013
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
CCE Allegany County
5435A County Road 48
Belmont, NY 14813
$10.00 Contact Lynn Bliven to register for this event.
Cornell Cooperative ExtensionLynn Bliven
585-268-7644 x18
email Lynn Bliven
Vegetable Grafting Workshop and More!
March 14, 2013
Learn about the latest Cornell Vegetable Program on-farm research projects. The use of winter grains to control weeds in summer vegetables was researched in 2012. Can this work as an alternative to herbicides? What is the effect on tomatoes or onions? Grafting is another cutting-edge technology gaining in popularity. The advantages and techniques of grafting will be presented. Participants will graft their own tomatoes and take them home to make comparison with non-grafted plants.
HarvestNY is a new CCE intiative to connect growers with consumers. Cheryl Thayer will give a program update.
Cost: $10/person. For more information about this workshop and to register, contact Lynn Bliven at 585-268-7644 x18.
Brochure & Registration Form (PDF; 1343KB)