Event Details
March 13, 2013
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
LeRoy Country Club
1 mi. east of LeRoy on Rt. 5/E. Main Rd.
LeRoy, NY 14482
$20.00 for Cornell Vegetable Program enrollees
$30.00 for non-enrollees
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureAngela Parr
585-394-3977 x426
email Angela Parr
2013 NYS Dry Bean Growers Meeting
March 13, 2013
Join us for the important dry bean updates for 2013! 2 DEC credits, plus CCA credits, will be available. (For DEC credit sign the roster by 9:35 am.) Lunch will include delicious, healthy NYS dry beans. Pre-register by March 11 to save $5!
The featured speaker at the NYS Dry Bean Meeting is Amie Hamlin, Executive Director, New York Coalition for Healthy School Food. Dry beans are a highly rated food in the NYCHSF program, and has reached thousands of students in Ithaca and New York City schools with bean dishes in lunches, and brief, catchy messages on eating beans during announcements.
Cornell staff will give complete reports on the progress made in dry bean breeding and varietal/breeding line evaluation for yield, early maturity, quality, processing and white mold resistance.
The results of continued research on weed control programs for zone till vs conventional dry beans will be reported, as well as how potential new herbicides for beans performed. While the new insect threat, Western bean cutworm, didn't cause damage in dry beans in 2012 the population of migrant and over-wintering moths did increase significantly compared to 2011, based on traps located in the dry bean production region and across NYS. High risk areas of the state were identified and will be reported.
There is a wide choice of cover crops today, grasses, legumes, crucifers, and others. Some are beneficial when grown before beans and others may increase root rot. Results of four years of trials will be reported. In addition, the benefits of combining different cover crops have been identified. Some of the choices will be described and how they can benefit your soil health and crops in general. Finally, news from a recent meeting of the US Dry Bean Council will be reported.
Cost, includes a lunch containing delicious and healthy NYS dry beans:
$20 per Cornell Vegetable Program enrollee*
$30 per non-enrollee*
* Pre-register by March 11 to save $5. Registration at the door will be $25/enrollee and $35/non-enrollee.
If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring the meeting, click here.
Questions about the meeting, or a special needs request? Contact Carol MacNeil. In case of bad weather, call 585-394-3977 x406 for a recorded message.
Dry Bean Meeting Agenda (PDF; 951KB)