Event Details
December 12, 2017
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
CCE Ontario County
480 N Main St
Canandaigua, NY 14424
This event is free.
Cornell University and Cornell Vegetable ProgramWalter De Jong
email Walter De Jong
Potato Advisory Meeting
December 12, 2017![Potato Advisory Meeting](https://rvpadmin.cce.cornell.edu/images/event/image865.jpg)
This meeting provides an opportunity for growers to advise Cornell about what problems you'd most like research to solve. Let's ensure we collectively work on, and solve, real problems! Growers will lead the discussions, talking about their operations and what issues they consider most important to their profitability.
Cornell and USDA scientists who will attend include Sarah Pethybridge (soilborne diseases), Bryan Swingle (Dickeya), Xiaohong Wang (golden nematode), and Walter De Jong (potato breeding).
This event is FREE to attend. Lunch will be provided.
Note: The Potato Advisory Meeting and Potato Show&Tell are now held in alternate years. The next Potato Show&Tell will be in 2018.