Sorry, Pre-Registration for Day Two: Tree Fruit has passed.
Sorry, Pre-Registration for Business Management Session has passed.
Sorry, Pre-Registration for Small Fruit Session has passed.
Sorry, Pre-Registration for Vegetable Session has passed.
2018 Eastern New York Fruit and Vegetable Conference
This two day conference combines all of ENYCHP's traditional fruit and vegetable meetings into one large event in the Capital Region. Sessions will include two full days of tree fruit programing, one day of vegetable programing, a half day of berry and half day of agricultural business management.
Register before February 13th for a reduced rate! Hot Lunch and admission to the trade show are included with the registration fee.
DEC Credits will be available in the Tree Fruit, Vegetable, and Small Fruit Sessions.
Rooms are available for those who wish to stay overnight at the Desmond. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 800-448-3500. Please ask for our reduced conference rate.
Day One: Tree Fruit

February 20, 2018
The Desmond Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, NY 12211
ENYCHP Enrollees recieve a $10 discount! Enroll Here:
At the Door
$80.00 Non-enrolled Walk-ins
$70.00 ENYCHP Enrollees

DAY ONE AGENDA: 4 DEC Credits available (10, 1A, 22)
(Full Conference Agenda Below)
8:00 Registration
8:50 Introductions and Announcements -Dan Donahue, CCE ENYCHP
9:00 Evaluation of Blossom and Shoot Blight Control with Different Copper Formulations, Apogee, Actigard, and Newer Biologicals - Dr. Srdjan Acimovic, Cornell Hudson Valley Research Laboratory
9:45 Biology of the Fire Blight Pathogen Erwinia amylovora Under Starvation Conditions: Survival Strategies and Virulence -Dr. Ricardo Delgado-Santander, Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University
10:25 Expanding the Range for Establishing the Samurai Wasp, Trissolcus japonicus in Orchards and Vegetable Crops of NYS -Peter Jentsch, Senior Extension Associate in Entomology, Cornell University
10:30 Break
11:00 Observation and Discussion of Apple Decline in the Hudson Valley of New York State -Dan Donahue, CCE ENYCHP
11:30 Updates on Products for Managing Diseases of Apples: Apple Scab, Powdery Mildew, Bitter Rot, and Fire Blight - Dr. Kerik Cox, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University
12:00 Hot Buffet Lunch and Trade Show
1:30 Crop Insurance -Elizabeth Higgins, CCE ENYCHP
2:00 Update on Plum Pox Virus in the Hudson Valley -Margaret Kelly, Assistant Director, Division of Plant Industry, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
2:15 Crop Load Management in Apples: Getting the Most Out of PGRs -Dr. Poliana Francescatto, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University
3:00 Registration and Efficacy Trial Updates on New Tree Fruit Insecticides in New York -Dr. Art Agnello, Department of Entomology, Cornell University
3:30 Northeast Pollinator Partnership findings and The Native Bee Assessment Tool -Maria Van Dyke, Department of Entomology, Cornell University
4:00 Trade Show
***Attendees are invited to attend an Industry Mixer following the Trade Show****
Rooms are available for those who wish to stay overnight at the Desmond. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 800-448-3500. Please ask for our reduced conference rate.
Agenda 2018 Fruit and Vegetable Conference (PDF; 1891KB)
Day Two: Tree Fruit

February 21, 2018
The Desmond Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, NY 12211
ENYCHP Enrollees recieve a $10 discount! Enroll Here:
At the Door
$80.00 Non-enrolled Walk-ins
$70.00 ENYCHP Enrollees

Day Two of Tree Fruit Programing and the Industry Trade Show. 2.5 DEC Credits available (10, 1A,22)
8:00 Registration, Sign DEC Rosters, coffee, and visit the Trade Show!
8:50 Introduction and Announcements— Michael Basedow, CCE ENYCHP
9:00 Asymptomatic Fire Blight Infections of Apple Rootstocks After 2016 Epidemic in NE New York and Implications for Apple Growers in NY Champlain and Hudson Valleys -Dr. Srdjan Acimovic, Cornell Hudson Valley Research Laboratory
9:30 Overview of Current Apple Rootstock Technologies in the Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program -Dr. Gennaro Fazio, Cornell , USDA-ARS
10:00 New Varieties from the Cornell Apple Breeding Program -Dr. Susan Brown, Cornell University
11:00 The Land Grant Mission in 2018: Why R&D innovation in ag matters to consumers, and your farm's future- Julie Suarez, Associate Dean, CALS, Cornell University
11:30 New York Apple Association Update - Marketing New York Apples, a summary of promotional activities for 2017 crop year and NYAA's strategic work plan,-Cynthia Haskins, President
11:50 New York State Horticultural Society Update
12:05 Hudson Valley Research Laboratory Update
12:20 Hot Buffet Lunch, Visit Trade Show
1:30 Managing Fire Blight: A Cost/Benefit Analysis -Elizabeth Higgins, CCE ENYCHP
2:00 Honeycrisp, Bitter Pit, and Eastern New York: Connecting the spots? -Dan Donahue, CCE ENYCHP
2:30 Identification of Microbial Problems from Eastern NY Apple Orchards - Blossom Blast and Marssonina Leaf Blotch -Dr. Srdjan Acimovic, Cornell Hudson Valley Research Laboratory
3:00 Evaluations, DEC Sheets, & Visit Trade Show
Agenda 2018 Fruit and Vegetable Conference (PDF; 1891KB)
Business Management Session
February 20, 2018
The Desmond Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, NY 12211
ENYCHP Enrollees recieve a $10 discount! Enroll Here:
At the Door
$65.00 Non-enrolled Walk-ins
$55.00 ENYCHP Enrollees

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AGENDA (Full Conference Agenda Below)
8:00 Registration
8:25 Introductions and Announcements- Liz Higgins, CCE ENYCHP
8:30 Community Supported Agriculture in Eastern New York - 2017 Data -Liz Higgins, CCE ENYCHP
9:00 Media Relations for Farmers: Are You Ready to Communicate Effectively with the Press and the Public About Your Farm? -Steve Ammerman, New York Farm Bureau Public Affairs Manager
10:30 Navigating Through the Ag Labor Maze: Resources for Farmers with a Latino Workforce -Mary Jo Dudley, Cornell Farmworkers Program Director & Liz Higgins, CCE ENYCHP
12:00 Hot Lunch Buffet and Trade Show
Rooms are available for those who wish to stay overnight at the Desmond. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 800-448-3500. Please ask for our reduced conference rate.
Agenda 2018 Fruit and Vegetable Conference (PDF; 1891KB)
Small Fruit Session

February 20, 2018
The Desmond Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, NY 12211
ENYCHP Enrollees recieve a $10 discount! Enroll Here:
At the Door
$65.00 Non-enrolled Walk-ins
$55.00 ENYCHP Enrollees

SMALL FRUIT AGENDA: 2.5 DEC Credits available (10, 1A, 22)
(Full Conference Agenda Below)
12:00 Hot Buffet Lunch and Trade Show
2:00 Introductions and Announcements -Laura McDermott, CCE ENYCHP
2:05 New Information on Integrating Low Tunnels into Day Neutral Strawberry Systems - Marvin Pritts, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University
2:45 Evaluating and Constructing Your Weed Management Plan -Bryan Brown, NYS Integrated Pest Management Program, Cornell University
3:30 Re-tooling Your Sprayer for Better SWD Control -George Hamilton, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Field Specialist
4:00 NEWA's Berry Models - How You Can Make Them Work for You - Juliet Carroll, NYS Integrated Pest Management Program, Cornell University
4:30 Why Can't I Grow Strawberries Anymore? Diagnosing and Managing Soil problems -Laura McDermott, CCE ENYCHP
5:00 Adjourn
Rooms are available for those who wish to stay overnight at the Desmond. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 800-448-3500. Please ask for our reduced conference rate.
Agenda 2018 Fruit and Vegetable Conference (PDF; 1891KB)
Vegetable Session

February 21, 2018
The Desmond Conference Center
660 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, NY 12211
ENYCHP Enrollees recieve a $10 discount! Enroll Here:
At the Door
$80.00 Non-enrolled Walk-ins
$70.00 ENYCHP Enrollees

DAY ONE AGENDA: 3.5 DEC Credits available (10, 1A, 23)
(Full Conference Agenda Below)
8:00 Registration and Trade Show
8:55 Introduction and Announcements - Chuck Bornt, CCE ENYCHP
9:00 Developing Precision Water and Nutrient Systems in Vegetables - Dr. Darcy Telenko, CCE
Cornell Vegetable Program
9:35 Managing Sweet Corn Worm Pests with Newer Insecticides- Dr. Galen Dively, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland
10:10 Optimizing Crop Protectant Performance with Adjuvants - Curt Matthews and Brooks Barefoot, Helena Chemical Company
10:45 Morning Break
11:15 Bird Management in Sweet Corn - Evaluating New Tools - Dr. Darcy Telenko, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program
11:50 Allium Leafminer: Looks Like It's Here to Stay -Teresa Rusinek and Ethan Grundberg, CCE ENYCHP
12:15 Hot Lunch Buffet and Trade Show
1:30 Making the Most of Bio-Controls: Mode of Action and Compatibility - Greg Rodgers, Certis Crop Protection
2:00 Honey Bee and Wild Bee Health Update and Management Considerations -Maria van Dyke, Department of Entomology, Cornell University
2:35 Afternoon Break
3:05 Growing Fall Cucumbers: Efficacy and Economics of Downy Mildew Resistant Varieties - Susan Scheufele, University of Massachusetts
3:40 Sensor Technologies and Drones in Crop Production - Jim Meyers, CCE ENYCHP
4:15 Trade Show
Rooms are available for those who wish to stay overnight at the Desmond. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 800-448-3500. Please ask for our reduced conference rate.
Agenda 2018 Fruit and Vegetable Conference (PDF; 1891KB)