Event Details
April 5, 2018
10 AM - 2 PM
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
Raw Products Bldg, Castle Creek Dr
Geneva, NY 14456
This event is free.
Eastern New York Commercial HorticultureCraig Kahlke
email Craig Kahlke
Statewide Honeycrisp Sensory Evaluation - Wayne County Blocks
April 5, 2018The fruit we are analyzing from the 2017 growing season is the last for this project. Cornell and Cornell Cooperative Extension collaborators from across the 3 main commercial apple-growing regions in the state sampled Honeycrisp fruit from nearly 60 orchards annually within a 3-4 week window. At harvest we measured fruit dry matter, mineral concentrations and fruit quality. Now, after ~6 months of storage (with MCP treatment), we are evaluating fruit disorders, quality and conducting sensory analysis of the fruit.
We know that spring is fast approaching and most of you are getting very busy now. However, I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend the sensory analysis of these apples scheduled for Wednesday April 4 and Thursday April 5 at the Geneva Research Station (Raw Products Building, Castle Creek Dr., off PreEmption Rd)
It will take two days since we have a large number of samples to taste. In the past, if starting at 10, most have been done by 12:30-1, followed by lunch. If you come late we'll keep the samples out until 2 PM. The first day (Weds., April 4) we will be tasting only apples from the Champlain Valley (10 orchard blocks), the Hudson Valley (10 blocks), and Niagara/Orleans counties (15 blocks). The second day (Thurs., April 5) we will be tasting apples only from Wayne County. Each of you will evaluate the apples according to visual appearance, crunchiness, off flavors and overall liking (taste).
Lunch will be provided each day as an appreciation of your time.
Please register online or contact Kim Hazel for lunch counts (krh5@cornell.edu or 585-798-4265, extension 26) and if so which days you will be attending. Also, feel free to extend the invitation and forward the registration link to anyone you think it would like and would be available to participate.
Questions? Contact Craig Kahlke at 585-735-5448 or cjk37@cornell.edu
Your collaboration is greatly appreciated. Please, help us making this project a success