New fungicides labeled for use in tree fruit - all Special Local Needs Labels
Deborah Breth, Integrated Pest Management
Lake Ontario Fruit Program
Summary of New fungicides, by David Rosenberger
The SDHI fungicides Fontelis, Luna Tranquility, and Merivon are effective against scab, rust, and mildew, but only Fontelis and Luna Tranquility are currently registered in NY (via special local needs labels), and none of these products are labeled on Long Island due to concerns about the potential for ground water contamination. Merivon was the most recent to receive a New York label. Fontelis is labeled for use on apple and pears, cherries, peaches, plums and strawberries. Luna Tranquility is labeled for use on apples. Merivon is labeled for use in pome fruit and stone fruit.For early-season disease control in apples, these products are best used between tight cluster and first cover. Our preference is to use them before petal fall. That is especially true for Luna Tranquility, which is a premix of Luna (the SDHI component) and Scala (pyrimethanil). Scala alone is not effective in protecting fruit from scab or in controlling rust, and the Luna component, like many of the SDHIs, has only moderate activity against rust diseases. Controlling cedar apple rust on leaves is usually most difficult during the period of rapid shoot growth after petal fall, so Luna-T is does not fit very well after bloom.
All of these SDHI fungicides should be applied in combination with either mancozeb or captan. This is essential for both fungicide resistance management and because the SDHI fungicide products may not redistribute well enough to protect newly expanding leaves that develop between sprays. In most cases, we prefer to see these products combined with mancozeb rather than captan because of the additional rust control provided by mancozeb and because Fontelis, which is formulated with mineral oil, can enhance uptake of captan into leaves and fruit where captan will cause injury under certain environmental conditions. Merivon has label warnings against tank mixing with oil sprays or other pesticides formulated as emulsifiable concentrates.
The labels are in the Special registration section of the PIMS website.
Fontelis NYSDEC label
Fontelis SLN label
Luna Tranquility NYSDEC label
Luna Tranquility SLN label
Merivon NYSDEC label
Merivon SLN label
Upcoming Events
Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
September 16, 2024 : Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
Ticonderoga, NY
Drinkwine Produce Twilight Meeting
Monday, September 16th 4-6 pm (rain or shine)
1512 Street Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883
Join us for discussions on high tunnel tomato production and sweet corn and pumpkin IPM at Drinkwine Produce in Ticonderoga. Henry Drinkwine will provide an overview of his practices for maintaining high yields of tomatoes, including pollination and soil fertility management. In the second half of the meeting, CCE specialist Chuck Bornt will review integrated pest management for sweet corn and pumpkins, with hands-on scouting and identification of key pests and diseases.
DEC Credits: 1.5 credits in categories 1A, 10, 23
Korona Produce Field Meeting
September 24, 2024 : Korona Produce Field Meeting
Amsterdam, NY
Korona Produce Field Meeting
September 24, 2024, 4-6pm
Korona Farm and Produce
1953 Co Rd 107, Amsterdam, NY 12010
(pull in by the cow pasture)
Join CCE Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Vegetable Specialists Crystal Stewart-Courtens and Chuck Bornt for a field meeting to look at tarping for weed and pest control and cover crop termination in vegetable rotations, a pumpkin variety trial walk looking at new varieties, and cucurbit IPM practices.
This meeting is free and open to the public.
2 DEC credits available in categories 1A and 23
Questions? Reach out to Crystal Stewart-Courtens at or 518-775-0018