Event Details
October 18, 2012
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Bowman & Hill Micro-Farm
2068 Kent Rd
Kent, NY 14477
At the Door
$10.00 Cornell Cooperative Extension enrollees
$15.00 non-enrolled
Please pre-register by contacting Robert Hadad.
CCE and the Cornell Vegetable ProgramRobert Hadad
email Robert Hadad
Caterpillar and Quick Tunnel Building Workshop
October 18, 2012
Join us for a hands-on training from experienced growers who made their own quick and caterpillar tunnels. These tunnels are used for late season, over-winter, and early season production.
Quick tunnels - using 10ft length of 1/2" - 3/4" metal conduit to set up tunnels to cover rows quick!
Caterpillar tunnels - learn the basics of site location, bending 21' x 1 3/8" chainlink fence pipe, and set up.
Please pre-register by contacting Robert Hadad.