Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Enrollment

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  • Variety Evaluation
  • Market Development
  • Pest Management
  • Cultural Practices

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  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • In-Field Educational Opportunities
  • On-Farm Research Trials

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Events - month view

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December 2013

2013 Processing Pea Advisory Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 3, 2013
10:00am - 12:00pm
Batavia, NY

2013 Processing Pea Advisory Meeting
Come discuss the 2013 processing pea season with industry colleagues. Your input is needed to set priorities for future research.

2013 Processing Beet and Carrot Advisory Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 3, 2013
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Batavia, NY

2013 Processing Beet and Carrot Advisory Meeting
All are invited to discuss the 2013 processing beet and carrot season in New York. Hear ideas and concerns from fellow growers and industry members. Your input is needed to set future research priorities.

Upstate NY Potato Advisory Meeting

December 4, 2013
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Canandaigua, NY

Upstate NY Potato Advisory Meeting
Annual roundtable on concerns of fresh market and processing potato growers and processors, reports on research, and agency updates. All potato growers are invited. 

High Tunnel School: Winter Greens and Tour

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 4, 2013
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Batavia, NY

High Tunnel School: Winter Greens and Tour
Consumer attitudes about food are changing. How can farmers grow products that meet the converging demands for local, natural, and high quality vegetables year round? A variety of season extension techniques such as high tunnels can help growers generate revenue 12 months of the year. Crop plans and markets are critical to success, but holistic planning is the basis for a sustainable system.

High Tunnel School: Getting the Most from Your High Tunnel - Basics and Warm Season Crops

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 5, 2013
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Batavia, NY

High Tunnel School: Getting the Most from Your High Tunnel - Basics and Warm Season Crops
This program is targeted for commercial growers new to high tunnels. NRCS cooperating farms are particularly encouraged to attend. All who are interested in improving their crop yield, quality and profitability by using high tunnels are welcome.

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Genesee County)

December 10 - December 11, 2013
8:30 am registration & refreshments; 9:00 am - 3:30 pm training
Batavia, NY

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Genesee County)
This 2-day training will focus on the details of what GAPs is, how it works, what it means for your farming operation, and how to write a farm food safety plan for your farm. Open to all fresh produce farms and related industry people.

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Genesee County)

December 10 - December 11, 2013
Tuesday & Wednesday, 8:30am-3:30pm
Batavia, NY

In recent years, several food borne illness outbreaks in produce have made national news. Both the produce industry and the federal government have stepped up demands for fruit and vegetable farms to meet food safety practice standards. These standards are known as GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices).

A new program, Harmonized GAPs, has been developed to combine several food safety certifications into one program. New York's retail produce buyers, such as Wegmans, are asking growers to adopt Harmonized GAPs certification in many cases.

In response, Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Cornell Vegetable Program, the Cornell Lake Ontario Fruit Team, the Produce Safety Alliance, and the Cornell National GAPs Program, with assistance from NY Ag & Markets, will be presenting a training for farm food safety or GAPs, including Harmonized GAPs. The training is open to all produce farms and related industry people. This workshop is partially funded through a grant from the Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority.

2013 Processing Sweet Corn Advisory Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 11, 2013
10am - 11:50am
Geneva, NY

2013 Processing Sweet Corn Advisory Meeting
Your input is needed to set future research priorities. Come discuss the 2013 growing season with your industry peers and hear the latest research results.

2013 Processing Snap and Lima Bean Advisory Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

December 11, 2013
12:30pm - 3pm
Geneva, NY

2013 Processing Snap and Lima Bean Advisory Meeting
The processing snap and lima bean industry will meet to discuss the 2013 growing season and to set priorities for future research. Your input is needed!

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Sweet Onions - Cultural Practices and Brand Marketing

December 18, 2013
1:00 - 2:00 PM

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Sweet Onions - Cultural Practices and Brand Marketing
Penn State and Cornell University have teamed up to present a series of webinars to keep you informed about critical production issues. This series provides convenient access to timely updates in commercial vegetable and small fruit production for extension educators, producers, and industry representatives in Pennsylvania, New York, and surrounding states.

Christy Hoepting, Cornell Vegetable Program, and Lee Stivers, Penn State, will be speaking during this webinar.

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Wayne County)

December 18 - December 19, 2013
8:30 am registration & refreshments; 9:00 am - 3:30 pm training
Newark, NY

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Wayne County)
This 2-day training will focus on the details of what GAPs is, how it works, what it means for your farming operation, and how to write a farm food safety plan for your farm. Open to all fresh produce farms and related industry people.

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Wayne County)

December 18 - December 19, 2013
Wednesday & Thursday, 8:30am-3:30pm
Newark, NY

In recent years, several food borne illness outbreaks in produce have made national news. Both the produce industry and the federal government have stepped up demands for fruit and vegetable farms to meet food safety practice standards. These standards are known as GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices).

A new program, Harmonized GAPs, has been developed to combine several food safety certifications into one program. New York's retail produce buyers, such as Wegmans, are asking growers to adopt Harmonized GAPs certification in many cases.

In response, Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Cornell Vegetable Program, the Cornell Lake Ontario Fruit Team, the Produce Safety Alliance, and the Cornell National GAPs Program, with assistance from NY Ag & Markets, will be presenting a training for farm food safety or GAPs, including Harmonized GAPs. The training is open to all produce farms and related industry people. This workshop is partially funded through a grant from the Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority.In recent years, several food borne illness outbreaks in produce have made national news. Both the produce industry and the federal government have stepped up demands for fruit and vegetable farms to meet food safety practice standards. These standards are known as GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices).

January 2014

Finger Lakes Produce Auction Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 9, 2014
10:00am - 3:00pm
Penn Yan, NY

Finger Lakes Produce Auction Meeting
The annual winter educational meeting for produce growers will focus on weed management, pesticide safety equipment, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug management, food safety regulations and produce auctions. Grower and buyer panels will be utilized. 1 DEC credit (categories 1a, 10 and 23) and CCA credits available. 

Seneca Produce Auction Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 10, 2014
10:00am - 3:00pm
Romulus, NY

Seneca Produce Auction Meeting
The annual winter educational meeting for produce growers will focus on weed management, pesticide safety equipment, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug management, food safety regulations and produce auctions. Grower and buyer panels will be utilized. 1 DEC credit (categories 1a, 10 and 23) and CCA credits available. Lunch will be available for purchase at the auction.

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Spotted Winged Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

January 15, 2014
1:00 - 2:00 PM

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Spotted Winged Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Penn State and Cornell University have teamed up to present a series of webinars to keep you informed about critical production issues. This series provides convenient access to timely updates in commercial vegetable and small fruit production for extension educators, producers, and industry representatives in Pennsylvania, New York, and surrounding states.

Kathy Demchak and Shelby Fleischer, Penn State, and Greg Loeb, Cornell, will be speaking during this webinar.

2014 Empire State Producers Expo

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 20 - January 23, 2014
Morning, Mid-day, and Afternoon Sessions
Syracuse, NY

2014 Empire State Producers Expo
The Empire State Producers Expo includes a one-day Becker Forum (Jan. 20), a three-day trade show, and three days of concurrent educational sessions (Jan 21-23).  The full meeting agenda and information can be found on the NYS Vegetable Growers Association website.  You can register on-line at EXPO ON-line Registration.

2014 Empire State Producers Expo

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 21 - January 23, 2014
Morning, Mid-day, and Afternoon Sessions
Syracuse, NY

2014 Empire State Producers Expo
Formerly known as the Empire State Fruit & Vegetable Expo, the Empire State Producers Expo includes a one-day Becker Forum (Monday, January 20, 2014), a three-day trade show and three days of concurrent educational sessions.

February 2014

Lake Ontario Winter Fruit School

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 3, 2014
8:00 am 4:00 pm
Lockport, NY

Lake Ontario Winter Fruit School

The LOF Winter School is the time to catch up on all the most recent research results, new products, horticultural practices, business and labor topics to help growers continue to compete and produce high quality fruit.  The focus is tree fruit production.  This is an opportunity to network with your neighbors and earn DEC credits.  There are several guest speakers from Cornell faculty, out-of state specialists, and the team.   This is a duplicate school held in Wayne County on Feb. 4, 2014.  Lunch is included in the cost of registration. 

Walk and Talk: Crop Planning

February 8, 2014
Saturday, 10am - 12pm
Cuba, NY

Walk and Talk: Crop Planning
A special Saturday session of the Walk & Talk discussion group focused on crop planning. Crop planning involves taking a broader look at your farm, evaluating your upcoming season as part of a larger, longer term production system. Crop planning involves not only rotational planning, but soil health, nutrient management, pest/disease/weed control, and farm business management. All growers are welcome to attend.

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Dealing with Late Blight

February 12, 2014
1:00 - 2:00 PM

Winter Wednesday Lunch Webinar: Dealing with Late Blight
Penn State and Cornell University have teamed up to present a series of webinars to keep you informed about critical production issues. This series provides convenient access to timely updates in commercial vegetable and small fruit production for extension educators, producers, and industry representatives in Pennsylvania, New York, and surrounding states.

Meg McGrath, Cornell, and Beth Gugino, Penn State, will be speaking during this webinar.

Storage Crops & Winter Marketing: 5 years later - What we have learned

February 14, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM tentative
Geneva, NY

Storage Crops & Winter Marketing: 5 years later - What we have learned
An intro to storage vegetable production, post-harvest, and marketing to meet the increasing demand for seasonal local food.

Forum on Cover Crops and Soil Health: Harvesting the Potential

February 18, 2014
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Canandaigua, NY

Forum on Cover Crops and Soil Health: Harvesting the Potential
A free meeting featuring a live webinar broadcast of the National Conference on Cover Crops & Soil Health. Howard G. Buffett, and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, will lead the webinar by discussing: The Big Picture: Conservation, Cover Crops and Soil Health. In addition to the webinar, soil health demonstrations and information will be provided by USDA-NRCS and the Cornell Vegetable Program, and a group discussion will assist in the planning for summer meetings and field days. 

Potato Short Course - Disease Management and Variety Development

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 19, 2014
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Liverpool, NY

Potato Short Course - Disease Management and Variety Development
Simplot: genetic engineering for higher quality, disease resistance; Amanda Gevens, U WI: field/storage disease management; Cornell potato breeding, and licensing varieties; Using the Late Blight Decision Support System - Carol MacNeil, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program, and Ian Small, Cornell Plant Pathology.

February 20 - Winter Pruning Tour in Wayne County

February 20, 2014

February 20 - Winter Pruning Tour in Wayne County
We are organizing a winter pruning tour to be held at 3 farms in Wayne County from 8:30am until 3:30pm on Thursday February 20, 2014.

Niagara County Winter Meeting: Increase Productivity Through Soil Environment Management

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 21, 2014
9:00am - 12:30pm
Lockport, NY

Niagara County Winter Meeting: Increase Productivity Through Soil Environment Management
Reduced tillage (RT) is being successfully adopted on vegetable farms in Western NY. Anu Rangarajan will review RT benefits, discuss management changes related to adoption and share examples from farms using RT systems. Carol MacNeil will talk about which cover crops to use to improve crop health, and how to use them. Steve Reiners will focus on improved fertility management in vine crops.

1.5 DEC and 3 CCA credits available.

2014 Orleans Produce Auction Growers Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 25, 2014
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Albion, NY

2014 Orleans Produce Auction Growers Meeting
This course will educate growers on weed and disease management in fresh market vegetable grown for auction; as well as storage crop management and food safety concerns.

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Steuben County)

February 27 - February 28, 2014
8:30 AM registration & refreshments; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM training
Bath, NY

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Steuben County)
This 2-day training will focus on the details of what GAPs is, how it works, what it means for your farming operation, and how to write a farm food safety plan for your farm. Open to all fresh produce farms and related industry people. 

Farm Food Safety Training with GAPs (Steuben County) - Co Hosted by NOFA-NY

February 27 - February 28, 2014
registration & refreshments at 8:30 AM, program runs 9 AM- 4 PM, both days
Bath, NY

In recent years, several food borne illness outbreaks in produce have made national news. Both the produce industry and the federal government have stepped up demands for fruit and vegetable farms to meet food safety practice standards. These standards are known as GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices).

In recent years, several food borne illness outbreaks in produce have made national news. Both the produce industry and the federal government have stepped up demands for fruit and vegetable farms to meet food safety practice standards. These standards are known as GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices).

Click here to register online: http://cvp.cce.cornell.edu/event.php?id=165

more crops












Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts











Dry Beans

Dry Beans



Ethnic Vegetables

Ethnic Vegetables











Lettuce / Leafy Greens

Lettuce / Leafy Greens





















Pumpkins / Gourds

Pumpkins / Gourds



Raspberries / Blackberries

Raspberries / Blackberries





Snap Beans

Snap Beans

Squash - Summer

Squash - Summer

Squash- Winter

Squash- Winter



Sweet Corn

Sweet Corn

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes





more crops

Upcoming Events

Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 17, 2025
January 31, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 14, 2025
: Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025

Week 1: Digging Into Pruning and Soil Health

Week 2: Cider Apples - Mechanized Harvesting and Patulin Food Safety

Week 3: The Value of "Eco-Friendly" Marketing - OMRI, Red Tomato, EcoApple, NYS Grown and Certified

Week 4: Biopesticides and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for Berries

Week 5: St. Peachtrick's Day - Stone Fruit Insect and Disease Management

Blueberry Pruning Workshop

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2025
Altona, NY

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

10 am - noon

 Irona Berry Haven

1897 Alder Bend Rd, Altona, NY 12910

$10 per farm

1 DEC credit requested in categories 1A, 10, and 22

Join us at Jeffrey Guerin's berry farm for a morning of pruning demonstrations, pest and disease identification, and more. Bring your own pruners so that you can learn by doing! Dress warmly for our workshop, which will be held outdoors. In the case of severe weather on the 26th, the workshop will be held at the same time on the 27th. Light refreshments will be provided.

Champlain Valley Apple Pest Management Refresher

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 27, 2025
Chazy, NY

Join us in Chazy on March 27th for some pest management updates, and to receive some additional pesticide recertification credits for your farm's certified applicators! We will be offering 2.25 DEC recertification credits in categories 22, 10, and 1A. Light refreshments will be provided, and lunch following the meeting (sponsored by Valent) is optional.

$5 per employee


2025 CCE ENYCHP Fruit and Vegetable Conference

Join us for the Annual Eastern NY Fruit and Vegetable Conference February 19th and 20th, 2025 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center, 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211

We are back with two full days of informative sessions and over 10 DEC Pesticide Recertification Credits Available!  Sessions this year include Tree Fruit, Vegetables, Small Fruit, Grapes, Bedding Plants and other related topics and visit with more than 50 vendors! 

For the full program, CLICK HERE or to register, CLICK HERE!

Program Overview & DEC Pesticide Recertification Credits:
Wednesday, February 19, 2025:
  • Tree Fruit Session 1, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Tree Fruit Session 2, 1:15 pm - 4:00 pm 1.75 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Small Fruit Session,  9:00 am - 12:00 pm - 2.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Grape Session, 8:50 am - 11:45 am - 1.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • H2A, 1:15 pm - 3:50 pm

Thursday, February 20, 2025
  • Tree Fruit Session 3, 8:20 am - 12:00 pm - 0.5 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Bedding and Vegetable Transplants, 9:00 am - 11:30 am - 1.50 Credits in 10, 1a,24 and 23
  • Vegetable Session, 1:15pm - 3:50pm - 1.5 Credits in Categories 10, 1a, 21, 23 and 0.25 Core
  • Marketing Session, 8:50 am - 12:00 pm
  • Funding Opportunities, 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Hope to see you there!

Resources from CCE ENYCHP!

This website (https://enych.cce.cornell.edu/) contains our calendar of upcoming programs and registration links. For updated programmatic information, technical resources and links to newsletters please see our program blog site: https://blogs.cornell.edu/enychp/.
We also maintain the following online resources that you can view directly from these links:

• CCE ENYCH YouTube (program videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk_E-ZKqSClcas49Cnvxkw

• CCE ENYCH Facebook (program social media): https://www.facebook.com/CCEENYCHP/

• CCE ENYCH Instagram (program social media): https://www.instagram.com/cceenychp/?hl=en