Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Enrollment

Program Areas

  • Food Safety
  • Variety Evaluation
  • Market Development
  • Pest Management
  • Cultural Practices

Enrollment Benefits

  • Telephone / Email Consultations
  • Newsletter
  • Direct Mailings
  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • In-Field Educational Opportunities
  • On-Farm Research Trials

ENYCH Enrollment Form (PDF; 710KB)

Enrollee Login


Log In To Access:

  • Helpful Diagnostic Tool:
      What's wrong with my crop?

Not an Enrollee? Enroll Now!

Online Enrollment Form

Not an Enrollee? Enroll Now!

Online Enrollment Form

Events - month view

view earlier monthsearlier months

December 2020

How to Obtain a Pesticide Applicator License

December 2, 2020
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Online Zoom Meeting

Thinking about becoming a certified pesticide applicator in New York? This online program will cover the basics of who needs a pesticide license, license types, examination procedures, and important information to know for the test. We will incorporate interactive practice questions and activities within the program to test participant knowledge in preparation for the exam.

Storage Crop Facility School

December 8, 2020
9:00am - 2:00pm
Online Zoom Meeting

Join us for this one-day storage focused event, where speakers from across the Northeast and Midwest will be presenting on challenges and updates surrounding vegetable storage! On December 8th we'll be focused on smaller-scale storage of mixed vegetables, and hear talks on storage construction and management, tactics for better storage, and disease control on a smaller scale. We'll hear presentations on funding opportunities, farm food safety considerations for storage, and grower opportunities with the NYS Farm to School program. 

2020 Vegetable Variety Trial Highlights

December 9, 2020
10:00am - 11:30am
Online Zoom Meeting

2020 Vegetable Variety Trial Highlights

Do you want to see and hear about the results of several variety trials that the CCE ENYCHP Vegetables Specialists completed this year?

Be sure to join us on December 9, 2020 for an hour and a half review of beefsteak tomatoes, leeks, seedless watermelon, peas, Irish potatoes, and broccoli with special guest Sandy Menasha from CCE Suffolk County!

Onboarding Seasonal Farm Employees - Get Organized for 2021!

December 14, 2020 : Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers
online (zoom link will be provided upon registration)

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers is a 1.5-hour, on-line program that reviews best practices for bringing on (aka onboarding) a group of seasonal workers.  This program will go over the onboarding planning guide for seasonal farm employees and discuss the key things you should have in place in 2021 when your seasonal employees arrive.  

When you enroll in this program you will also receive a hard copy of the planning guide by mail, have access to additional resources and information and an on-line community of other farms that are also working on their 2021 onboarding plans. 

January 2021

Onboarding Seasonal Farm Employees - Get Organized for 2021!

January 4, 2021 : Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers
online (zoom link will be provided upon registration)

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers is a 1.5-hour, on-line program that reviews best practices for bringing on (aka onboarding) a group of seasonal workers.  This program will go over the onboarding planning guide for seasonal farm employees and discuss the key things you should have in place in 2021 when your seasonal employees arrive.  

When you enroll in this program you will also receive a hard copy of the planning guide by mail, have access to additional resources and information and an on-line community of other farms that are also working on their 2021 onboarding plans. 

COPY - Onboarding Seasonal Farm Employees - Get Organized for 2021!

January 4, 2021 : Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers
online (zoom link will be provided upon registration)

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers is a 1.5-hour, on-line program that reviews best practices for bringing on (aka onboarding) a group of seasonal workers.  This program will go over the onboarding planning guide for seasonal farm employees and discuss the key things you should have in place in 2021 when your seasonal employees arrive.  

When you enroll in this program you will also receive a hard copy of the planning guide by mail, have access to additional resources and information and an on-line community of other farms that are also working on their 2021 onboarding plans. 

Onboarding Seasonal Farm Employees - Get Organized for 2021!

January 6, 2021 : Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers
online (zoom link will be provided upon registration)

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers is a 1.5-hour, on-line program that reviews best practices for bringing on (aka onboarding) a group of seasonal workers.  This program will go over the onboarding planning guide for seasonal farm employees and discuss the key things you should have in place in 2021 when your seasonal employees arrive.  

When you enroll in this program you will also receive a hard copy of the planning guide by mail, have access to additional resources and information and an on-line community of other farms that are also working on their 2021 onboarding plans. 

COPY - Onboarding Seasonal Farm Employees - Get Organized for 2021!

January 6, 2021 : Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers
online (zoom link will be provided upon registration)

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Workers is a 1.5-hour, on-line program that reviews best practices for bringing on (aka onboarding) a group of seasonal workers.  This program will go over the onboarding planning guide for seasonal farm employees and discuss the key things you should have in place in 2021 when your seasonal employees arrive.  

When you enroll in this program you will also receive a hard copy of the planning guide by mail, have access to additional resources and information and an on-line community of other farms that are also working on their 2021 onboarding plans. 

How to Obtain a Pesticide Applicator License - Jan 11, 2021

January 11, 2021
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Online Zoom Meeting

Thinking about becoming a certified pesticide applicator in New York? This online program will cover the basics of who needs a pesticide license, license types, examination procedures, and important information to know for the test. We will incorporate interactive practice questions and activities within the program to test participant knowledge in preparation for the exam.

Assessing and Using Credit in Your Agricultural Business - Farm Financial Management Tuesdays

January 12, 2021
Zoom webinar

CCE Ag Business Educators are offering online farm financial management education programs this winter!

On January 12, from 12:30-1:30, Join CCE CAAHP Ag Business Educator, Dayton Maxwell, for a one hour program on how to effectively apply for and use credit in your farm business.  Dayton was a former Farm Credit East loan officer and now serves as the Farm Business Management specialist for the Capital Area Agriculture and Horticulture Program.  

This program is the first of three Farm Business Management Tuesdays planned for this winter.

NOFA-NY's Virtual Winter Conference

January 16 - January 23, 2021

There's still time to register for NOFA-NY's Virtual Winter Conference! One registration gives you access to more than 90 workshops presented by farmers, gardeners, homesteaders, and advocates to learn from.

Knowing Input Costs to Maximize Profits - Farm Financial Management Tuesdays

January 19, 2021
Zoom webinar

CCE Ag Business Educators are offering online farm financial management education programs this winter!

On January 19, from 12:30-1:30, Join CCE CNY Dairy and Field Crops Ag Business Educator, Nicole Tommell and Gabe Gurley of NY FarmNet, for a one hour program on managing your input costs in your farm business.   Managing your costs is a key aspect of being profitable.  

This program is the second of three Farm Business Management Tuesdays planned for this winter.

Cash Flow Management and the Annual Operating Cycle - Farm Financial Management Tuesdays

January 26, 2021
Zoom webinar

CCE Ag Business Educators are offering online farm financial management education programs this winter!

On January 26, from 12:30-1:30, Join CCE ENYCH Ag Business Educator, Elizabeth Higgins, for a one hour program on cash flow management and the annual operating cycle. Lack of cash is one of the primary reasons why small businesses fail.  Put together the knowledge you learned in the first two sessions to think about how to use various tools and strategies like loans, lines of credit, managing timing of payments, budgeting and forecasting, and timing of major purchases to better manage your farm's cash flow.

This program is the third of three Farm Business Management Tuesdays planned for this winter.

Remote Good Agricultural Practices Training

January 27 - January 28, 2021

Interested in learning more about the GAPs certification process? Do you need help writing your farm food safety plan?

Join CCE educators for a day-long workshop on Day 1 delving into what is required to pass a GAPs audit, including worker hygiene, wash/pack sanitation, water quality, record keeping, and more. On the second day, we will split into small groups on Zoom to discuss the different parts of a farm food safety plan required for GAPs, some schools and other buyers, and recommended for FSMA. Educators will be accompanied by NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets representatives on Day 2 to help address questions on audits from participants. Participants will work on their plans concurrently within their groups and will have ample opportunity to ask questions and seek advice. 

February 2021

Marketing Your Farm Products 101

February 2, 2021
February 9, 2021
February 16, 2021
February 23, 2021
: Marketing Your Farm Products 101

Join us for a four-session mini course to help guide you in starting your business.  Tune in February evenings to hear tips on planning, finance, sales/pricing, marketing and grant/resource opportunities. 

CCE's NY Tree Fruit Conference sponsored by CCE ENYCHP and CCE Lake Ontario Fruit Program

February 2 - February 4, 2021
Tues 8am-5pm; Wed 8am-5pm; Thurs 8am-4:45pm

For 2021, the CCE's NY Tree Fruit Conference sponsored by the CCE Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program and the CCE Lake Ontario Fruit Program will replace CCE-LOF's Winter Fruit Schools and CCE-ENYCHP's Fruit & Vegetable Conference, DEC Credits are being applied for at multiple sessions.

Session titles & times now available!

PPP2/ EIDL Loan Advance/ Expansion of CFAP 1

February 10, 2021

Join Liz Higgins (Eastern NY Hort Team Ag Business Specialist), Myron Thurston (CCE Madison AED & Marketing Specialist) and Nicole Tommell (Farm Business Specialist, CNYDLFC) for an update on the COVID-19 Assistance Programs for Farmers.

Cornell Climate Smart Farming - Winter 2021 Webinars

February 12, 2021
February 19, 2021
February 26, 2021

The Cornell Climate Smart Farming Program is pleased to host five winter webinars for farmers, Extension specialists, and agriculture consultants. Registration is required, but events are free and open to the public.  Please join us!

Uncommon Fruit: Considerations for Commercial Cultivation

February 16 - February 19, 2021
11am-1pm EST
Virtual Sessions

During the course of four sessions, horticultural experts and farmers will describe the possibilities and challenges associated with growing these lesser known crops.  Specifics include site selection, production systems, pest issues, post-harvest requirements, recommended cultivars, and market considerations.

The first session will focus on understanding crop attributes that make commercialization possible followed by a site selection discussion.  After that we will delve directly into the plants which will include Ribes, Elderberry, Aronia, Hardy Kiwi, Hascap, Amelanchier, Ericaceae, Shisandra, Sea Buckthorn, Paw paw, Persimmon, Figs.

Value Added Producer Grant Program Series

February 3, 2021
February 17, 2021
March 3, 2021
: How Do I Apply for a Value Added Producer Grant?
6:00pm-7:30 pm

If you are considering applying for a Value Added Producer Grant. How do you fill out the application? How do you make your application as appealing as possible to the person who will review it? These three sessions will outline the process of writing and submitting a successful Value Added Producer Grant.

2021 Eastern NY Fruit & Vegetable Conference Webinars

February 1, 2021
February 5, 2021
February 9, 2021
February 11, 2021
February 16 - February 17, 2021February 19, 2021
February 23 - February 26, 2021

The CCE Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture Team is happy to invite vegetable and berry growers to our virtual series of production and business management webinars held this February! 

Sessions include:

  • sweet potatoes
  • three berry workshops
  • transplant production
  • a farm stand virtual tour
  • sweet corn
  • and several other exciting topics! 

more crops












Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts











Dry Beans

Dry Beans



Ethnic Vegetables

Ethnic Vegetables











Lettuce / Leafy Greens

Lettuce / Leafy Greens





















Pumpkins / Gourds

Pumpkins / Gourds



Raspberries / Blackberries

Raspberries / Blackberries





Snap Beans

Snap Beans

Squash - Summer

Squash - Summer

Squash- Winter

Squash- Winter



Sweet Corn

Sweet Corn

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes





more crops

Upcoming Events

Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 17, 2025
January 31, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 14, 2025
: Cornell Winter Fruit Webinar Series 2025

Week 1: Digging Into Pruning and Soil Health

Week 2: Cider Apples - Mechanized Harvesting and Patulin Food Safety

Week 3: The Value of "Eco-Friendly" Marketing - OMRI, Red Tomato, EcoApple, NYS Grown and Certified

Week 4: Biopesticides and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for Berries

Week 5: St. Peachtrick's Day - Stone Fruit Insect and Disease Management

Remote Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

February 17 - February 18, 2025

REMOTE Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

Monday, Feb. 17 and Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025

8 am - 12:30 PM

Held remotely via Zoom (online)

Registration: $10 per person, open to NY state participants only

Includes printed course manual ($60 value), certificate of course completion ($35 value) and online food safety resources.

All produce growers are encouraged to attend this course to learn more about food safety practices recommended for all farms. This course contains NEW information contained in the finalized Subpart E rule on agricultural water. The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement outlined in § 112.22(c) that requires 'At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration.' If you've already earned your PSA certificate, retaking this course is a great way to refresh your memory and learn about the new water requirements!

After attending the entire course, participants will be eligible to receive a certificate from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) that verifies they have completed the training course. 

From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan

January 7, 2025
January 14, 2025
January 21, 2025
January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 4, 2025
: From Seed to Success: Turn Your Idea into an Actionable Plan

Do you need a business plan for your farm?  Do you have an idea for a new venture, but aren't sure if it will work? This program is for you!

This course is designed for existing farm businesses or those planning to undertake a new farm business venture. Students will work with their farm's data, and the goal of the class is for participants to have a draft of a written business plan for a specific business venture.

During the course, you will learn to:

  • Assess whether or not a business idea is a good fit for you.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to make a profit
  • Use financial tools to evaluate if your business has the potential to be profitable

This online course meets from January 7-March 4, 2025.  All course content is available online so you can work on it at your own pace.  There will be weekly webinars where you can meet other students and interact directly with the instructor on the content.  These webinars will be recorded. 


2025 CCE ENYCHP Fruit and Vegetable Conference

Join us for the Annual Eastern NY Fruit and Vegetable Conference February 19th and 20th, 2025 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center, 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211

We are back with two full days of informative sessions and over 10 DEC Pesticide Recertification Credits Available!  Sessions this year include Tree Fruit, Vegetables, Small Fruit, Grapes, Bedding Plants and other related topics and visit with more than 50 vendors! 

For the full program, CLICK HERE or to register, CLICK HERE!

Program Overview & DEC Pesticide Recertification Credits:
Wednesday, February 19, 2025:
  • Tree Fruit Session 1, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Tree Fruit Session 2, 1:15 pm - 4:00 pm 1.75 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Small Fruit Session,  9:00 am - 12:00 pm - 2.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Grape Session, 8:50 am - 11:45 am - 1.0 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • H2A, 1:15 pm - 3:50 pm

Thursday, February 20, 2025
  • Tree Fruit Session 3, 8:20 am - 12:00 pm - 0.5 Credits in Categories 10, 1a and 22
  • Bedding and Vegetable Transplants, 9:00 am - 11:30 am - 1.50 Credits in 10, 1a,24 and 23
  • Vegetable Session, 1:15pm - 3:50pm - 1.5 Credits in Categories 10, 1a, 21, 23 and 0.25 Core
  • Marketing Session, 8:50 am - 12:00 pm
  • Funding Opportunities, 1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Hope to see you there!

Resources from CCE ENYCHP!

This website (https://enych.cce.cornell.edu/) contains our calendar of upcoming programs and registration links. For updated programmatic information, technical resources and links to newsletters please see our program blog site: https://blogs.cornell.edu/enychp/.
We also maintain the following online resources that you can view directly from these links:

• CCE ENYCH YouTube (program videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk_E-ZKqSClcas49Cnvxkw

• CCE ENYCH Facebook (program social media): https://www.facebook.com/CCEENYCHP/

• CCE ENYCH Instagram (program social media): https://www.instagram.com/cceenychp/?hl=en